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Sandhill Cranes in Flight by Michael McKenney Geese in Flight by Michael McKenney

Water Drop Collisions

Face to Face by Michael McKenney The Twirling Dancer by Michael McKenney Red Wine by Michael McKenney Asymmetrical Erotica by Michael McKenney Baby in a Cradle by Michael McKenney Creation by Michael McKenney Dripping Color by Michael McKenney


Seed Pods on a Golden Rainfall Tree by Michael McKenney Amaryllis by Morning by Michael McKenney Thanksgiving Cactus Flower by Michael McKenney The Lotus Flower by Michael McKenney A Rose by Michael McKenney A Yellow Columbine by Michael McKenney Rose #1 by Michael McKenney


Dance of the Cottonwoods by Michael McKenney Christmas by Michael McKenney La Luz Trail by Michael McKenney Storm Over the Sandias  by Michael McKenney There's a Storm Coming by Michael McKenney Clouds Over the Sandia Mountains by Michael McKenney Sandia Mountain Panorama by Michael McKenney